London 2012 Athlete’s Village: Waterglades
The Waterglades comprises a series of semi-natural wetland habitats including a variety of waterbodies; all species are native of long-established archaeophytes and help to create a biodiverse habitat.
This wetland mosaic has multiple functions including: treatment of runoff from the whole of Stratford’s East Village Zones 3-6 north of the High Meads Loop Enclosure; storage of water for non-potable re-use; as habitat for a diversity of valued flora and fauna and visual and quiet recreational amenity.
ALD oversaw the entire pre-games construction of the Waterglades and supported the ODA, Lend Lease and the contractors at all levels and stages of the build, including; materials approvals, off-site procurement of hard and softscape materials, management of trees in Holland, set out approval, design revisions, final snagging. ALD provided the Clerk of Works support for the post-games transformation of the Waterglades as well as overseeing the maintenance of the area during the defects period.
Stratford, East London
Lend Lease / ODA
Pre-games March 2012
Landscape Clerk of Works, Maintenance / Management Role
ALD role: